What are mutual funds? A quick overview

Hi my name is Dani from Wealthmakr and today I would like to explain what a mutual fund is. Today we explain what an mutual fund is, its advantages compared to direct investment, but also its disadvantages and how you can benefit from mutual funds.     What...

The different types of shares – A quick overview

Hi my name is Dani from Welathmakr and today I would like to introduce you to the different types of shares. We will also take a look at Google and Alphabet shares. First of all, we differentiate share types according to their transferability from one shareholder to...

What is an ETF? A quick overview

I am Dani from Wealthmakr and today I would like to explain what an ETF is. It will be just a quick overview and on the bottom of this article we wil have further information. Exchange Traded Funds are securities that move like an index and thus reflect it. Unlike...

Good to know – What makes the capital market tick?

What makes the capital market tick? We will try to explain the capital market in simple language and have a look behind some words you may or may not know. The result goes up, the share price goes down - and vice versa. This raises the question: How do analysts...

How much does a person need a bank?

How much does a person need a bank? Or to put it another way: Which banks do people need? For 30 years, the financial world has been moving from one crisis to the next - at the expense of governments and taxpayers. This article shows what a new and fairer form of...

How Money came About and How does Money work?

How does money work? "You don't talk about money, you have money." It's a widespread saying that many hold on to. Today we are breaking with these conventions and talking about them: What is money actually? Where does it come from and how does it work? Why doesn't a...

How can market cycles be mastered?

Can market cycles be mastered or are we gambling? Investing well means buying cheaply and selling dearly. But how do you know what the best timing is? What about all the high flights, speculative bubbles and crises? This article tries to explain how and why the...

How to get out of the trap of the 9 to 5 scam?

Did you find yourself being in the trap of the 9 to 5 scam? You are tired of working every day just to have nothing on your bank account at the end of the month? In this article, you'll learn about the concept of passive income and how to make your money work for you...

You are not what you think you are

You are not what you think you are, even if you believe that you are. You have feelings of inferiority, fear, anger and fainting? Everybody knows unpleasant emotions. We accept them like a law of nature, even if we suffer from them for years. But we can overcome them....

Relax your ego – The Philosophy of Serenity

Relax your ego. It is always about our ego: I have achieved this and should not have done that. I still have to do that and work on myself here. I, I, I. But what if this ego is in reality to a large extent beyond our control? This article here is a splendid plea for...
What are mutual funds? A quick overview

What are mutual funds? A quick overview

Hi my name is Dani from Wealthmakr and today I would like to explain what a mutual fund is. Today we explain what an mutual fund is, its advantages compared to direct investment, but also its disadvantages and how you can benefit from mutual funds.     What...

The different types of shares – A quick overview

The different types of shares – A quick overview

Hi my name is Dani from Welathmakr and today I would like to introduce you to the different types of shares. We will also take a look at Google and Alphabet shares. First of all, we differentiate share types according to their transferability from one shareholder to...

What is an ETF? A quick overview

What is an ETF? A quick overview

I am Dani from Wealthmakr and today I would like to explain what an ETF is. It will be just a quick overview and on the bottom of this article we wil have further information. Exchange Traded Funds are securities that move like an index and thus reflect it. Unlike...

How much does a person need a bank?

How much does a person need a bank?

How much does a person need a bank? Or to put it another way: Which banks do people need? For 30 years, the financial world has been moving from one crisis to the next - at the expense of governments and taxpayers. This article shows what a new and fairer form of...

How can market cycles be mastered?

How can market cycles be mastered?

Can market cycles be mastered or are we gambling? Investing well means buying cheaply and selling dearly. But how do you know what the best timing is? What about all the high flights, speculative bubbles and crises? This article tries to explain how and why the...

You are not what you think you are

You are not what you think you are

You are not what you think you are, even if you believe that you are. You have feelings of inferiority, fear, anger and fainting? Everybody knows unpleasant emotions. We accept them like a law of nature, even if we suffer from them for years. But we can overcome them....

Relax your ego – The Philosophy of Serenity

Relax your ego – The Philosophy of Serenity

Relax your ego. It is always about our ego: I have achieved this and should not have done that. I still have to do that and work on myself here. I, I, I. But what if this ego is in reality to a large extent beyond our control? This article here is a splendid plea for...

What can you do about negative thoughts?

What can you do about negative thoughts?

What can you do about negative thoughts? Many of us ask ourselves this question every day. Negative thought patterns and mental blockages can be a real problem. Such thoughts can complicate our lives in many ways. So it's worth finding out how these thoughts come into...